Increased age is associated with a decline in cardio respiratory fitness and a decline in muscular performance. Considering the need to maintain both components of fitness throughout life, WHOLE BODY VIBRATION training might be an efficient method for older adults to achieve this. WBV training is a recent type of neuromuscular training where exercises are performed on a platform which generates vertical sinusoidal vibrations. This randomized controlled trial investigated the effects of one year WBV training on cardio respiratory fitness and muscle strength in community dwelling men and women over the age of 60. The results of the WBV group are compared with those of a regular fitness training group and a control group.
when we do the fitness traning that we must be know that how to use the equipments. other wise it might be dangoures for us.I thing evey one should be trained be they use the tools.
when i wacth your video clip, its might be happen in future if that person dont know how to use the machine
Hey man, although I do love to start up going gym but I don’t believe in these overdo stuff. You know I believe making the digest, sleeps and our emotions on curb its more worthy than coming up with the idea of being Arnold!!! Sri, now we all are young, if we have started up, we can keep it up but for how long more? Do you think when we are in our 60s we still can keep the body? We must be aware of heart attack and the bone congestion disease which have been fed by the overdosed sports in the youths.
well srikant... i like the topic which you are discussing in and it is also absolutely correct that "health is wealth". exercise and fitness is best way to keep person healthy and energetic.I do agree that fitness is pursuit of healthiness but in this modern age, few people are only concerned with these things who really think keeping health concern upto date.for example myself. Anyway keep it up and i hope more effective articles in your blog.well done... And keep going fitness and don't use artificial chemicles in the name of doing fitness and body building.
Well video you have added is quite funny but that is just for fun in real its not possible. I agree with statement that because injuries many considers weight training as dangerous sport but it can be avoided as there are always trainees available to help and guide unless some tries to be over smart try to do on their own and injured themselves. Weight lifting is helpful when done properly but it also is dangerous if not done in a proper way as brad said to the people to overage it can cause problem of heart attack the bone congestion disease.
In my opinion, i don't think we can get injured when we are doing fitness training if we follow the instruction from trainers. Furthermore, many people know the importance of fitness training, they do it but they did not maintain it. By the way, your video clip really create the awareness among the people to let them know the importance of using the equipment wisely and correctly.
Honestly, I do not like body builders. I think light bodybuilding is fine but access of it really looks bad. I would agree with brad that we are young and with self-determination that we are able to still keep our body in shape. Yup, overdose of supplements are also not very healthy for body.
The effects on fitness training doesn't mean that we stay being fit and muscular, studies have shown that people with traumatic brain injures help to reduce their problems is by fitness training (http://www.cochrane.org/reviews/en/ab006123.html)
I agree with brad that training isn't all about getting buff is about taking care of your sleep and eating right
good topic,It's important for the fitness training and it's very important for the fitness.as we know fitness training is teach you how to do the gym and different tools and teach you how to make the own plan during the gym.
Fitness can be achieve by taking proper rest, nutritious food and some exercise. Body building is not only way to keep your body fit and fine. Body building is not easy work to do and you need to spend lot of time on it. At young age we can do metal exercise but when we will get old that time we won’t be able to keep our body as fit as now. I am agree with the statement of Brad, taking care of sleep and food can make us fit and fine.
Gym is not about over training, it's about technique and discipline.It's not about carrying 100kg, if so, i would not be there. Fitness training really pushes you to have an impecable system, because it makes you check your body's protein, starch and fat levels ,and would also helps you avoid junk food.
Well, Srikanth, people all over the world are becoming more and more health conscious, the priority has been shifting from everything else to the fact that the most important thing in life, is to keep oneself in shape and fit, to enjoy things in life. So, keeping feet means to do regular exercise…
Effects of fitness trainings have both benefits and the side effects!! Benefits that are derived from the regular physical workout would be the improvement in appetite, weight maintainace, muscle growth and getting the desired body shape, healthy heart and lungs, increase in resistance power in the body etc… Contrary, the disadvantages of fitness workouts are ummm let me think, people can have injuries if the exercises are done harshly, improperly or excessively…
My friend Srikhan i got lost a bit and dont know what to comment about but it seems that everyone is talking about the gym. Talking about the gym is now becoming more and more famous and opening nearly everywhere. In our world today obesity is incresing and people need to become more aware about their health. The technology was also the reason to obesity making people more lazier.
I joined the gym for around two month but no real difference happened to me not because of the gym but because i was not taking it seriuosly. The gym is actually a good place to be working out in because it acquires all needed excercise to your body and other things to keep you healthy and active throughout your days. Lats but not least nice video you put up there bro!
Well,I would say that lifting heavy weight is not a dangerous sport if you follow the instruction and have a prepared mind and strength. I don't really like body builders.I still don't understand why do some people who want to be a body builder?Is it for showing off or for health or for self-defense?
Moreover,anyone who want to start any health training or sports should always prepared to get injuries because it is one the sign that we are improving.However,it doesn't mean that you can just start training without any preparations.Warm up before training is one the step that we shouldn't take it for granted.Therefore, fitness training should be balanced and not over do it.
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